You may have a travel agent, an insurance agent or maybe a
talent agent, but if you're single and tired of wasting money
and time trying to meet someone or you'd like to break old
destructive patterns, then I would like to introduce you to your
own personal
Date Agent and Love Coach!
Copyright rights reserved.
Where Love Happens
      ...To Make Life Better
How It Works
First, you will be pre-screened to confirm that you are ready for the Date Agent experience. Some clients elect to schedule
some coaching sessions prior to their time out with their agent so they may fully benefit.
Then, your agent will ask you a series of questions that will help you both determine your desired date profile (ddp).  
Next, you and your agent will go out "in the field" together and try your hand at interacting with men/women whom you
would consider  a "5 or 6" based on your ddp (using them as practice to get you ready for when you spot your ultimate "9s
and 10s"!)
Last, you will be asked to choose the top people that you would like to meet. Then, in true double agent style, your agent will
go about her mission possible, inviting them to come and talk with you (one at a time of course) and help in facilitating a
smooth conversation. If the chemistry seems right, and you give the sign that you are comfortable, your agent will
"disappear" and let you take it from there!
For a Free 30 minute consultation or Coaching for singles email your agent at